Bear in mind that unfortunately it is not possible for Player Experience Team to perform changes to account details such as account recoveries, email changes or unlinks.
In some scenarios you will be able to unlink the Facebook or Apple ID profile connected to your game account.
If your account is already linked to a provider: go to Settings and tap on the option to disconnect.
A new pop-up will ask you to confirm how to proceed.
If you select "No, Keep Facebook link", no change will be performed.
If you select "Yes, Unlink Facebook", your Facebook account will be unlinked from your profile (note: if you uninstall the game and your game account is not linked to Facebook, you won't be able to recover the account!)
When you are trying to link a Guest Account to Facebook or Apple ID, make sure you Facebook/Apple profile is not already linked to a Mini Football profile or the following might happen.
If you try to save a Guest Account with a Facebook/Apple account already connected to another Mini Football profile, you will receive the following pop-up.
If you select "Login to XXX profile": you will load the game profile already connected to the Facebook/Apple account and lose access the current Guest Account
If you select "Replace with this profile": you will transfer the Facebook/Apple to the current Guest Account but you will lose access the original Guest Account connected to it.
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