When you upgrade your guest account and sign-in with Facebook/Google/Apple you create a link between the game app and that/those accounts. Unfortunately those links can be broken and revoked only by you. Please see instructions below.
If you delete your game account, but do not remove an app from your Facebook/Google/Apple account then when you open the game app again it might get automatically connected with new or existing game account.
Additionally your game account deletion process is complete and your personal data is removed, Google, Facebook and Apple may still retain some data about these accounts.
If you wish to remove your game app from and/or delete your information completely from Facebook/Google/Apple then please check following instructions:
- Google account deletion and/or game app removing
- Remove an app from Facebook
- Remove an app from Apple
delete my account
my dear 8 baal pool Team my account new laval 1 please
Delete to my pool8 account
Unlink my Facebook or Google account
I want to delete my Facebook acount
Please unban account 8 ball pool
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