We now have Clubs in Mini Football!
What are Clubs?
Clubs will solidify the social aspect of the game and give the players the chance to organise themselves into small communities and progress together in the game.
This new feature will allow players to group up in a place where they can chat, complete challenges, donate cards as well as having the chance to earn some extra rewards!
When can I unlock Clubs?
Upon reaching level 5 the Clubs feature will be unlock or if you are invited to join a Club.
You can create your own Club, search for existing Clubs or join a Club. Creating a Club will cost 250 gems.
Creating your own Club:
When creating a Club it's possible to customise a unique Club Crest to your liking. This includes a frame, background, centerpiece, primary color and secondary color.
Once you have decided on your Club name, motto and the type (open, admission only, invite only), you simply have to press the button "create club" to finish.
Please, do not use inappropriate or offensive names as we will take action on these cases.
Joining and leaving a Club
It is easy to join a Club. Clicking on the Clubs menu in the main screen, you will have a selection of Clubs that can be inspected and, depending on the type of Club, you have the chance to enter or apply for one to your liking. By scrolling down on that list, you will be shown more Clubs.
Invite only Clubs will not be shown on this list.
If you wish to leave your current Club, simply click on the "Details" button in the menu of the Clubs and press "Leave".
Remember, there are restrictions when leaving a Club and joining another one:
During that week, you will not be able to participate in the Club Challenges until the League reset, which happens every Monday.
Club Status:
There will be different status in a Club. Similar to other Miniclip games, there will be the owner of the Club, admins and members. Admins will be able to customize the Club even after its creation.
Players will have the possibility to chat with other Club members and see the news in the main menu.
Please, keep in mind that we can take action over situations when users who are found being offensive towards other players.
Requesting cards and donating
Users can request additional copies of Player cards they own and send cards they don't need to other fellow club members! The reward will be Club points and experience. This will also contribute to completing Club Challenges.
Remember that you must first use the slider in order to select how many cards you wish to donate.
After you've selected the amount of cards to donate, the "Donate" button will become available.
Club Challenges
Challenges are multi-stage weekly missions in which all users in a club can participate. All actions by all users contribute to completing Challenges and when complete, all users in the Club win prizes! There are a total of 5 stages, each of which will have a specific reward tied to it.
Club Leaderboard
By joining a Club you will be eligible to compete with your fellow club members in a leaderboard. There is a ranking system within the club and the player with the highest amount of Club points will be at the top.
And this is just the beginning! We have plenty more content associated to Clubs in the works. We wanted to improve on the feeling of belonging to a community in Mini Football and we're certain that the Clubs will be central in that effort. We hope you enjoy!
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