In this article you'll get ALL the info you need to ensure you have the right settings for an even better gaming experience! Just click below to jump to the section you want, or scroll down!
How to access
Account related (login, ads, etc)
Game Options
Info (minigames, game version and credits)
How to access 🎱
On the main page, bottom left corner you will find a button with a clog shaped icon. Click on it to open the Setting page.
Account related settings 🎱
1. Login via Facebook/Google Play, Apple ID or Miniclip ID: Use these options to link your guest account to one of the platforms available. By doing this, not only do you avoid losing your progress, but are also able to play with your Facebook friends and show off your amazing in-game achievements with them!
Click here for more info on why it is important to upgrade your Guest account
Connecting multiple login types to your game account & transfer login
2. Logout: This will log you off of every account/platform currently logged in. You will be redirected to the main menu and have the option again to play as guest or login.
Have more account related questions? Check out our section Profile & Account Settings
3. More Games: (also accessible from inside a match)
By clicking this button, you'll be sent to the Miniclip web page where you can find 2 tabs.
Use the direct links to download them from App Store/Google play OR instantly play a variety of other games without the need to download/install. To return to your game, simply hit the X (upper left corner in Android) / "Close" (bottom right in iOS) button.
Android View | iOS View |
4. Terms & Conditions: you'll be sent to a page where you can read more about the terms and conditions that apply to our services.
5. Privacy Policy: you'll be sent to a page where you can read more about Data and Privacy.
You can also visit our section Data & Privacy for more on this topic.
6. Targeted Advertisement (Don't Allow/Allow): Here you can define if you wish to receive ads that are more relevant to you by allowing us to share your data with our partners or not.
Tells us that you do not allow | |
Tells us that you allow |
7. Tutorial: Allows you to replay the controls tutorial.
8. Cushion Shot: Shows you a quick demonstration of a successful Cushion Shot. This feature is only available on the following tables: Rome, Berlin, Monte Carlo, and Venice.
Game Options ⏫
1. Language: Allows you to select the language you want the game to be displayed in. From English, to Portuguese to Japanese and many more! Simply select the language you want and hit the "Confirm" button. It will take you back to the Main Page, already in the new language.
2. Show VIP Badge to opponent: (also accessible from inside a match) Allows you to define if you want the opponent to see your VIP Badge/level.
For more on VIP Points and levels, check the following articles:
VIP Level Multipliers in Promotions and Minigames
VIP Points
No other player (not even friends) can view your badge | |
All players can see your badge can view your badge |
3. Sound: (also accessible from inside a match) Choose if you want to activate the sound effects (no music).
4. Table Stickers: Where you can change the stickers that will show up on the table (right bellow your avatar) when playing a match. (To change the sticker: Go back to the main page > click on your profile avatar > click on the blue pencil icon on top of the avatar > switch to the stickers tab and select/obtain one )
5. Cue Sensitivity: (also accessible from inside a match) Allows you to define the movement speed of the cue when aiming.
More articles about Cues:
Knowledge Base Cues Main Page
How to Aim with the Cue
Victory Cues
How to Move the Cue Ball
Cue will move slowly. | |
Normal sensitivity to the touch. | |
Very sensitive to the touch. Cue will move quickly which may make it harder to aim. |
6. Vibrating: (also accessible from inside a match) Enable/Disable vibrating during matches (to alert you it is your turn).
7. Tap to Aim: (also accessible from inside a match) Allows you to also move the cue by tapping on the sides (particularly helpful if you have cue sensitivity on slow.
8. Tap to Shoot: (also accessible from inside a match) Enable/Disable the possibility to start strength level selection anywhere in the Power bar rather than starting on the top.
9. Aiming Wheel: (also accessible from inside a match) Adds/removes a sidebar wheel which allows you to also move the cue around (not affected by the cue sensitivity setting).
10. Disable guideline in Offline Mode: (also accessible from inside a match) Adds/Removes the balls trajectory lines.
11. Power Bar Location: (also accessible from inside a match) Change the Power bar location (Left or Right of the table).
12. Power Bar Orientation: (also accessible from inside a match) Change the Power Bar location (Horizontal or Vertical). If you select Horizontal the bar will be moved to the lower corner of the table(Left/Right depending on Power Bar Location setting).
Click here for more on Power Bar settings
13. Power Bar Type: (also accessible from inside a match) Allows you to change the Power Bar visuals.
14. Disable In-game Chat Messages: (also accessible from inside a match) Enable/Disable chat button during matches.
15. Chat Order: Allows you to reorder the in-game possible chat phrases.
Click here for more on this setting and in-game chat
16. Allow Add as Friend: (also accessible from inside a match) Enable/Disable friend requests.
Click Here for more on Playing with Friends in 8BP
17. Allow Challenges From: (also accessible from inside a match) Choose who can challenge you to a match! It is not possible to fully disable challenges. However, you have the option to either allow anyone to challenge you, or just your friends.
18. Show my Online Status to Friends: (also accessible from inside a match) Choose if friends can see if you are online or not.
19. Notifications when Friends come Online: (also accessible from inside a match) If enabled a small pop will show up in your screen whenever a friend loads the game.
20. Visible to Suggested Friends: (also accessible from inside a match) Enable/Disable the possibility of your profile showing up as a friend suggestion for the friends of your friends.
21. Auto rotate screen on menus: If enabled, the screen will rotate when you turn your phone (vertical view only)
Info ⏫
1. Mini Games Information: To find more information on the Mini-Games available in 8BP (such as type of prize and probabilities)
2. Credits: Allows you to see the names of the AMAZING people who have worked on 8 Ball Pool! ❤
3. Version: Current game version.
Have you tried our other games? Click here for the list of active Miniclip Games!🎮
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If you still have any doubts, please feel reach out to us via the contact link below!
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