When trying to make a purchase on your favourite Miniclip game, perhaps you have encountered some little hurdles along the way. These are some tips and tricks to help your purchases go smoothly.
Table of contents
When you're unable to make purchases
How to change your payment method
Preventing unauthorised purchases
Other payment providers
When you're unable to make purchases
Google processes all payments made through the Google Play store. To resolve any related purchasing issues, please consult Google’s Support site here.
Here is some emergency troubleshooting:
Payment method greyed out / “not eligible”
1) If you are trying to pay with a credit/debit card, check the expiration date & billing address:
- Sign into payments.google.com
- In the left-hand navigation, select “Payment Methods”
- Check the card’s expiration date and billing address
2) Check if the billing country and the legal country at payments.google.com match
- Sign into payments.google.com
- In the left-hand navigation, select “Payment Methods”
- Check the payment methods’ billing country
- In the top right corner, click on the “gear” icon to access the “Settings” page
- Check the legal country
3) Try a different payment method
Payment method is declined by the card issuer or carrier (usually “Payment method declined” error triggered):
You should contact card your card issuer or carrier OR try a different payment method.
Apple processes payments made toward the game, so it’s important to configure device settings prior to making your order.
If you’ve made an order that has been processing for 24 hours or more, please contact iTunes Support here.
If you are not waiting on a purchase, please check the iTunes in-app purchase restriction guide for further information.
How to change your payment method
Here's how to change your payment method on Google:
1. Choose an item to purchase from the store. These screenshots use 8 Ball Pool as an example.
2. A pop up will appear with the information of the item or package you selected. In the top right corner of your screen, you will have an arrow that you should click to select the payment method.
3. You can then select a payment method or redeem a voucher if you have one.
If you select Payment methods you will see all the payment methods available to you.
To edit your payment information on an Apple device, please follow the steps in the article here.
The article also contains troubleshooting applicable if you're unable to update your payment method.
Preventing unauthorised purchases
You can follow these steps by Google in order to add an extra layer of authentication to your purchases. You can choose whether to require a password with every purchase, or, on select devices, enable fingerprint authentication or Voice Match for more security.
Apple also offers steps on how to secure your device from unauthorised purchases. You can follow the steps here to improve the security of your account. If your child has their own device, you can restrict purchases entirely or turn on Ask to Buy. For your own device, there are various methods of authentication.
You can also block in-app purchases for a specific app:
- Open the Settings menu and scroll down until you find the General tab.
- Find the Restrictions menu and tap the option Enable Restrictions.
- Enter Restrictions passcode and then re-enter it.
- Find the app you wish to disable the in-app purchases and you're all set!
Other payment providers
If your payment method has been declined, do the following:
- Confirm your credit card number, expiration date, billing address, and phone number was entered correctly into Your Account. 👍
Note: The billing address and phone number entered must match those associated with your credit card.
- Contact your bank.
Note: Check with your bank about adjusting daily withdrawal or purchase limits. Payment declines may be due to these limits set by your bank.
After contacting your bank, you can retry your payment method by clicking Order Details on the impacted order in Your Order. From there, click Retry or edit credit card.
For more information about changing the payment method on an open order, go to https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=921842.
For other issues with Amazon Pay, please consult their help centre and customer service here for answers to your questions and further support.
For issues with Xsolla payments, you can access their help centre and submit a ticket if you need further assistance here.
For issues with Codashop payments, you can access their help centre and submit a ticket if you need further assistance here.
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