Ultimate Golf is a real-time mobile game where two players aim to putt the ball in as few plays as possible. So you can have a competitive edge, here is how the game works. As soon as you master these mechanics it's only a question of putting your skills to the test.
Remember, practice makes perfect.
How to aim your shot
Before each shot is taken, you are placed in Aim Mode. From this view you can get a high-level view of your projected shot by viewing your “shot arc”, which shows you where you’re currently aiming. This arc tells you where your ball will go if you hit it perfectly, except it does not take into account wind, and your shot arc may not be complete depending on the “shot view” stat (see Golf Clubs section) of your current club. Landing spot can be changed by moving the on-screen landing circle. You can also rotate, move, or zoom the camera view by touching the screen.
How to hit the ball
When you have placed your aimer where you’d like to hit the ball, touch the SWING button in the lower right hand part of the screen. Now, touch your ball and drag the ball back into the circle. Try to line up the ball in the circle to hit the ball where you intended. If you pull the ball beyond the circle, the ball will go further, if you pull it back short of the circle, your ball will go shorter. Now, release the ball when the arrow is dead center to hit the ball where you aimed. Releasing too early or too late will result in the ball going left or right. Hitting it dead center results in the Ultimate Shot!
How to draw/fade the ball
Simply put, when you pull back on the ball, if you pull back to the left, the ball will draw to the left when struck. If you pull back to the right, the ball will fade to the right when struck. The amount of draw/fade you can apply is dependent on how far to the left/right you set on the attributes menu of your selected club.
Wind conditions
Wind will affect your shot but it will not be represented in your shot view arc when aiming. You have to account for wind separately. If there’s a heavy left to right wind, adjust your aim to the left, so when you hit the ball, the wind blows it back towards the original target location.
Adding sidespin, topspin, or backspin to your shot
When in Aim mode on the course, select the ball icon in the lower left section of the screen. This will bring up a screen with your ball on display. Rotate your ball in the direction you want it to bounce when it lands. The amount of spin you can apply to the ball is determined by the stats of the club you are holding and the ball you are using for the upcoming shot.
It feels like a lot to take in but it will become second nature in no-time. To learn a bit more about the game of golf in general we recommend checking our article on the terminology of this intricate sport.
For more information and tips about the game please check our forum: https://www.ultimategolf.zone/
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